Safe Handling of Medical Gas Cylinders

Medical gas cylinders are commonly used in physician and dental offices, ambulatory surgery centres, acute care hospitals, and other types of healthcare facilities. When incorrectly used, handled, or stored, gas cylinders can create dangerous physical and chemical hazards for patients and staff. During office or facility surveys, CMS, The Joint Commission, or other accrediting agencies…

Flexible Connectors in Medical Gases

Medical gas equipment can be complex and varied in nature. And the difficulty in accurately interpreting NFPA codes can add to the complexity. Flexible connectors are a good example. Critical to the safe operation of flexible connectors within booms and articulating assemblies is continued testing and maintenance. Damaged hoses and leaks can result in secondary equipment damage…

Improve your hospital layout for easy navigation.

Today the healthcare environment realises that enhanced and efficient patientflow is critical in achieving value-based health. Optimizing patient flow isessential for healthcare facilities for two main reasons Patient Safety and Quality of care.Improving your patient flow is also a way to increase revenue and patientsatisfaction.With technology, hospital leaders can generate the statistics which theadministrators desire…