Improve your hospital layout for easy navigation.
Today the healthcare environment realises that enhanced and efficient patient
flow is critical in achieving value-based health. Optimizing patient flow is
essential for healthcare facilities for two main reasons
- Patient Safety and
- Quality of care.
Improving your patient flow is also a way to increase revenue and patient
With technology, hospital leaders can generate the statistics which the
administrators desire in real-time. AISHMED can help you improve your
healthcare facility’s cost, productivity, and inspection success with their unique
uniflow design flow across various departments and floors of your hospital.
The joint commission standards also have laid a special emphasis on various
design, flow and administrative parameters which are reproduced below.
The Joint Commission Standards for Accredited Hospitals
The Joint Commission addresses patient flow in a standard all Joint
Commission-accredited hospitals must comply with. The new patient
flow standard requires hospitals to:
Create a process that supports the flow of patients through the hospital
Address the hospital’s need to plan and care for the admitted patients
and whose bed is not ready or unavailable
Address the need for the hospital to plan the care for patients who are
placed in an overflow location
Formalize how ambulance diversion decisions are made and
Requires the hospital to measure and set goals
Manage patient “boarding” and work to reduce the length of time that ED
patients are boarded
Review the measurement results against stated goals
Take action to improve patient flow when goals are not achieved
Communicate with behavioural health providers to strengthen the
coordination of care.